Cook with Stella
Experience a unique cookery class with Stella herself in the heart of the Peak District. Book for yourself or gift to friends for a special experience.
Learn how to cook traditional African food with Stella in our brand new commercial kitchen set in our Peak District farm location.
Our Cook with Stella classes start with learning about traditional Cameroon spices, flavours and ingredients.
Let Stella take you through a range of traditional dishes that are in season learning how to authentically reproduce the food. Learn how to cook with delicious ingredients and gain knowledge and confidence in the kitchen that will impress your friends!
We will then all get to sit down with Stella to eat, drink and enjoy our new, delicious cooking skills.
What better way to impress and amaze your friends and have fun too. A great idea for a group activity or to learn a new skill... I look forward to welcoming you!
contact me to find out more and book your place or enquire by clicking the date below!
Cook with Stella - The day course costs £65 per person. This includes all ingredients and equipment needed and a 3 course lunch with drinks with Stella herself. 11am - 4pm - Maximum group size of 8 people.
Click on the links below to enquire about booking onto the cook with Stella day course and we will get back to you with confirmation and payment options. If you have any further questions then please contact me by clicking here...

Cook Along Online
Technology has made the world come alive. You can bring the world cuisine into your home without having the trouble to travel or leaving the comfort of your kitchen. This is exactly what my Cook Along is all about. I cook in my kitchen, you in yours and we talk via Skype via our computers – it’s that easy. I’ve even helped someone in California prepare a fabulous meal.
It was really difficult for me when I was learning to cook, to follow recipes from cook books, I was always getting it wrong, had to try a few times before I got it right; I did not know how to substitute ingredients, no one to ask for help.
With Cook Along, you plan the time to suit you. It is like having your own cook at home. It also gives you the opportunity to cook dishes you never would have thought of attempting by using a cook book.
You can now organise your dinner party using my sample menus and book to Cook Along, and we can do it from start to finish, and trust me your guests will love it. Contact me by clicking here... and we can plan your cooking adventure!